App Design

App Concept and Design for Political Activism App

My graduate thesis project on motivation and game theory in app design, specifically geared towards civic responsibility among the millennials and Generation Z cohort.

Graduate Student Project


App Concept and Design


Brand & UX Designer

For my thesis project, I created an app concept and design to ensure a smoother voting process for new voters as well as disengaged voters. Not only would it provide resources on voting, but also, continuing education about political topics and relevant issues.

A navigation model and wireframes were developed to be geared toward the target audience of millennials between the ages of 18-35. The app also utilized a point system and social pressure in order to keep users engaged with the app. Visual design and branding had a modern, political feel, reinforcing the connection to a younger audience.  

The entirety of my thesis is available on Chatham University Library’s website.

Brand Design for App Concept Band Together
Screens of Band Together App


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